節錄 COBRA 9/10

2023 年9 月 10在德國與 Cobra舉行揚升協議研討會











慕尼黑有一個聖殿騎士存在,它承載著古老的秘密。這個聖殿騎士團擁有一塊如意寶珠距離慕尼黑不遠。20世紀初有一些神秘團體例如黑石騎士團他們擁有如意寶珠並擁有聖殿騎士的神秘力量。它位於溫特斯貝格那裡有一個巨大的能量漩渦就像一個時間膠囊很多人都想佔領它。它已連接到阿加森網路。該組織與魯道夫·馮·塞博滕多夫( Rudolf von Sebottendorf) 創立的圖勒協會 (Thule Society) 取得了聯繫。他在 伊斯坦堡[土耳其]和塞薩洛尼基希臘並創建了圖勒協會但它被黑暗勢力滲透並劫持了奧秘。 

瑪麗亞·奧爾西克(Maria Orsic)聯繫了奧德拉班人來自金牛座,並獲得瞭如何建造航天器的指示。舒曼教授意識到這是可能的,並找到了資金來建造它。它是自亞特蘭提斯號以來的第一艘原型太空船在慕尼黑附近建造。但圖勒社團創立了納粹黨,並試圖接管太空計畫。因此,同時有兩個平行的秘密太空計劃瑪麗亞·奧爾西克和圖勒協會一個是陽性一個是陰性。1920年和1930年間發生了一場神秘的戰鬥不幸的是1930年,黑暗勢力戰勝了光明勢力。 


1945 年,秘密太空計畫轉入地下。美國軍隊來到德國,在俄羅斯等其他派系奪取技術之前沒收了慕尼黑以及布拉格和義大利北部的工廠的技術製定了自己的太空計畫。 



我們需要的是治癒人們治癒過去以及自 1930 年以來的過去 100 年所發生的事情。自從冠狀病毒爆發以來,德國的能源狀況並不好。這個地區的治癒必須發生這就是為什麼有這麼多反對的原因之一。這也是德國至今沒有召開會議的重要原因。它還沒有準備好有太多的控制所以我們需要將光錨定在這裡。但透過這次研討會,我們確實奠定了良好的基礎。 



































感受兩個方向上藍色光柱的存在。從天而降的那道光柱,來自於阿斯塔指揮部的一艘母艦。當你吸氣時吸氣到你的心裡並默默地說阿斯塔命令” 當你呼氣時將能量送到母艦呼氣到母艦並保持這樣的呼吸。再重複幾次。 




















A:接觸盤也可以在活動前進行一旦安全他們就會開始聯繫。活動結束後,事情會變得更容易。為此需要一塊 30x30 公尺的私人土地。它負責處理法律問題否則軍方可能會幹預。不擁有該區域的人將被邀請參加這項活動。 

接近地表的亞量子異常與人類的潛意識糾纏在一起這是最後一個問題。ATVOR 對此很有效但由於人與人之間的聯繫,它必須具有正確的強度。ATVOR 和紫羅蘭火焰的能量被修改否則它們會太強大而難以處理。






現在,將彩虹色的光吸入你的因果體,並唱誦咒語Om Mani Padme Hum 」 ,喚起蓮花的寶石更高的自我) 。現在我們保持沉默,感受彩虹存在於你周圍和內心深處。 





決策的層次在於心理層面。在物質層面的顯現需要時間體現一杯咖啡需要15分鐘買一棟房子可能需要兩年。你需要保留這個決定,直到它顯現為止。羅斯柴爾德家族之所以成功,是因為他們對我們現在的金融體系保持了 200 年來的相同決定。數位金融系統只有10年的歷史很多人不想要所以它會失敗。 


2. 祈求:祈求就是將情感能量投入其中。想像它想像它感受它召喚它加速它。過於執著於結果會阻礙流程。 










註:為了結束研討會Cobra 要求我們寫一個關於完美生活的短篇故事,即清晰練習。為此我們拿一張紙,以非常詳細的方式寫一個關於我們完美生活的小故事。寫下標題:我的完美生活。 



Ascension Protocols Workshop with Cobra on September 10, 2023, in Germany

The Purpose of Workshop

The purpose of this workshop is to reactivate the light in Germany, which has key vortexes for the planetary liberation, especially for the role of liberation in Europe. We are living in intense times, the final phase of purification. It is taking long and is challenging, but we have made progress. Many expected in 2012 that the darkness would be over, but 2012 was just the opening of the portal. 

The good news is that we are in the final stage of purification. It is supported by astrological configurations and cosmic cycles. 

This year, 2023, is the year of the returning of the light; only the awakened can connect to that light. After the forgetting of 1996, we had three decades of Middle Ages with almost no light present on the surface of the planet; the destruction of society was ongoing. The structure of society needs to collapse for a new one to be born, and the structure of society is collapsing into the polar shift, so we have to anchor the light to create a new society. We can start to anchor the light for the new society, forming Islands of Light. 

September is the beginning of the astrological configuration which will start certain things more intensively. There are already things happening which are preparing the way. There is still a huge amount of primary anomaly. The subquantum anomaly is blocking the flow of light from the outside to the surface of our planet. It is encasing our planet like a huge cloud. Our goal is to make a breakthrough in this cloud of anomaly to finally let the Age of Aquarius be born. The individual connection with the light is constantly growing and expanding, to network that light to the planetary network of light. 

Cintamani progress: They are an important part of this planetary network of light. 

It is time to create a breakthrough. Anomaly that has accumulated is like a cloud around the planet and we have to dissolve this cloud. First, by individually connecting with your Higher Self via meditation. Second, through the planetary network of light, the tachyon network, and the Goddess temple network. 

September is a big push through the cloud. The first phase of Islands of Light is going, September is the new push.

Role of Germany

Germany is a country which is a battlefield between the Light Forces and the dark forces. There is an ascension vortex in Munich. 

There was a Templar presence in Munich which anchored ancient mysteries. This Templar order possessed a cintamani stone, it is not far from Munich. There were a few occult groups at the beginning of the 20th century, like the order of the Knights of the Black Stone, and they had a cintamani and possessed Templar mysteries. It was located in Untersberg, where there is a huge energy vortex, like a time capsule, and many people wanted to take it over. It was connected to the Agartha network. This group came in contact with the Thule Society, founded by Rudolf von Sebottendorf. He spent time in Istanbul [Turkey] and Thessaloniki [Greece] and created the Thule Society, but it was infiltrated by the dark forces to hijack the mysteries. 

Maria Orsic contacted the Alderabans [from the Taurus constellation] and was given instructions on how to build a spacecraft. Professor Schumann realized that it was possible and found funding to build it. It was the first prototype spacecraft since Atlantis, and it was built near Munich. But the Thule society started the Nazi party and tried to take over the space programs. So there were two parallel secret space programs at the same time, Maria Orsic and the Thule Society; one was positive, the other negative. During 1920 and 1930, there was an occult battle, and, unfortunately, the dark forces won the battle in 1930 against the Light Forces. 

The problem with the people is obedience and conformity; they do what the radio, TV, and internet says. This is the reason why war is possible. They are following their mind programming. 

The secret space program went underground in 1945. American troops came to Germany and confiscated technology in Munich, as well as in factories in Prague and northern Italy, before other factions like the Russians could take it, and they made their own space program. 

After World War 2, the Resistance Movement made a network under the underground train system which extended toward the Alps, and it can hold hundreds of thousands or millions if something happens. 

The occult war was lost in 1930, and there is a lot of mind programming. It has to be cleared to become a center for the light. Munich is special for the First Contact because of the space program. 

What is needed is healing of the people, of the past, and of what happened in the last 100 years since 1930. The energy condition in Germany since coronavirus is not good. Healing of this region has to happen, and that is one of the reasons why there is so much opposition. This is also the energetic reason that there is yet no conference happening in Germany. It is not ready for that, there is too much control, so we need to anchor the light here. But with this workshop we did place a good base. 

It is important to heal the past, by using meditation, healing groups, Violet Flame, Buddhic Columns. First, re-anchor the light. There is a huge portal for contact in Bavaria, huge potential for First Contact, but it needs to be energetically healed to clear the past of the people, as well as activating vortexes, cintamanis, Buddhic Columns, and Violet Flame. Important vortexes that need healing are, for example, in Munich, Hanau, Augsburg, Untersberg, Frankfurt, Ulm, and Berlin.

Q & A 

Q: Is there anything we can do? 

A: Create healing groups and activate and heal vortexes. It is very important to meet in a physical group. If dark infiltration of groups occurs, if a member of a group starts to make discord inside the group, it is simply best to get rid of this certain member, otherwise the group would break slowly apart. 

Q: What is the role of the Swiss? 

A: Switzerland is an observer and was always neutral. 

Q: Role of Austria? 

A: Part of Untersberg is in Austria. Berlin is a vortex too, but now we focus in south Germany.


Tools to Connect with the Light Forces

We will be doing meditation to connect with the Higher Self and the Light Forces to activate the planetary network of light, which will be very important. 

There are powerful astrological aspects occurring. Pluto goes direct on the 10th of October, giving a forward push. Things were not moving, but now it will become more interesting. 

ATVOR technology was brought by the Central Race millions of years ago, and a simplified version of the Pillar of Light was used. This technology was upgraded for problematic and challenging planets to be able to permeate the cloud, and we are going to use it. It needs to be more powerful to penetrate the anomaly. It creates a protection shield and connects with the Light Forces. Practice it daily and regularly. 

Since 1996, the dark forces have a campaign running against the Galactic Confederation and the Ashtar Command. This was broken recently again through the Pillar of Light. Since 1996, there was lots of programming against the light, because when we reconnect again, the light will come to the planet. The problem is the trust, people lost it. Reconnecting means trust is regained. With the Pillar of Light, you can have your own experience to get trust and be guided; they can work to heal you, the Galactic Confederation and Ashtar Command. It will heal your energy field and then connect to the network.

Updated Version of ATVOR Meditation:

Close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out. 

Visualize a pillar of sky-blue color light descending from the sky, going through your body to the center of the earth. Then visualize a second pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the center of the Earth, going through you and up to the sky. 

You are sitting now in two pillars of light going upwards and downwards, your body is completely embraced by that pillar of light. 

Now repeat:

I call upon the pillar of blue light, 

to descend upon me and to form around me. 

I call upon the presence of the I Am That I Am. 

I ask the presence of the I Am That I Am, 

to join and merge with me. 

I call upon the pillar of blue light, 

to descend upon me and to form around me. 

I call upon the presence of the I Am That I Am. 

I ask the presence of the I Am That I Am, 

to join and merge with me. 

I call upon the pillar of blue light, 

to descend upon me and to form around me. 

I call upon the presence of the I Am That I Am. 

I ask the presence of the I Am That I Am, 

to join and merge with me. 

Feel that presence of the pillar of the blue light in both directions. The one coming from the sky is coming from a mothership of the Ashtar Command which is emitting this pillar of light. When you breathe in, breathe into your heart and say silently Ashtar Command. And when you breathe out, send that energy to the mothership, breathe out into the mothership and just keep breathing like that. Repeat this a few more times. 

Slowly you are becoming aware of your physical body, the floor under you, you are here and now, and when ready, you can open your eyes. 

This meditation is the reconnection with our true family, reconnecting home. The human masses need to reconnect again with our star brothers and sisters. We need to do small groups first before going globally. It is reactivating the grid of the planet. It is very important for the Event. It is the most important of the Ascension protocols, more powerful that the one given in Kyoto. It helps to connect with higher dimensions, and increase the connection for ourselves and for the planet. Precisely last week, these conditions started. 

It can trigger emotions and strong energies. We are here ready for this. It is a connection to higher dimensions and for protection. It will also help the planet. Practice at home, do it regularly. It will be published soon.

Forgiveness Meditation:

One more meditation, something very important, is forgiveness - to cut from the old society and that which is collapsing, cutting energetic attachments. Forgiveness to yourself, parents, family, partners, and other Lightworkers. It is important to forgive those attachments to set you free, otherwise the Event will become quite difficult, and you will be affected because of those attachments. At the polar shift, it will be difficult if you have attachments. Release these attachments; all those meaningless fights between people are pointless. 

Close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out, breathe in brilliant white light, breathe out brilliant white light. 

Now we will repeat three times: 

I decree and I command, to release all my conflicts with myself, with my parents, with my partner (only if you have a partner), with my children (only if you have children), with Lightworkers, and with other people. I decide forgiveness. 

And now visualize the Violet Flame coming from the sky going through you and throw those conflicts into the Violet Flame. Just release them, just let it go, all into the Violet Flame… just put everything into the Violet Flame, just let it go. 

Slowly become aware of your physical body, you are aware of here and now, and when ready, you can open your eyes. 

When you have a problem with anyone you can use this. Practice it whenever you have a conflict. 

Q & A . 

Q: What can you tell about the Hungarian vortex? 

A: The Hungarian vortex is recovering, growing quite nicely. 

Q: When collapse of the society happens, what part will be affected first? 

A: Everything is interconnected; it will be gradual, but then sudden, which will result in the Event. When the society collapses everybody will be affected. In the sudden phase, the Event will happen. 

Q: Will there be a sudden massive show up of ships in the sky eventually? 

A: The plan of the Light Forces is to start showing up more and more, not necessarily suddenly. The Light Forces are coming closer and closer to the planet. More disclosure will appear when Pluto comes back into Aquarius next year. 

Q: What about Contact Dish? 

A: Contact Dish can happen also before the Event; as soon as it is safe, they will start contact. After the Event it will be easier. A private land of 30x30 meters is needed for that. It takes care of legal issues, otherwise the military could intervene. People who don´t own such area are going to be invited to this occasion. 

The subquantum anomaly close to the surface is tangled with human subconsciousness, this is the last problem. ATVOR is effective for this, but it has to be the right intensity because of the human connection. The energies of ATVOR and the Violet Flame are modified, because otherwise they would be way too strong to handle.

Connection With Higher Self Meditation:

Meditation to connect your Higher Self with your causal body, to get easier connection with your Higher Self: 

Close your eyes, watch your breath coming in and out. Focus on your breath for a few moments. 

As you breathe in, you breathe in rainbow colored light into your heart, and breathe out rainbow colored light from your heart into your surroundings. Keep breathing like that. And as youre breathing like that, realize that you are surrounded with a rainbow energy, your causal body. 

Keep breathing in and out this energy and then sing the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum to activate it. 

Now breathe in rainbow colored light into your causal body and sing the mantra Om Mani Padme Hum invoking the jewel (Higher Self) of the lotus. And now we stay in silence and feel that rainbow presence around you and inside your heart. 

And slowly you are becoming aware of your physical body, open your eyes when you are ready, and you are here and now.

The Manifestation Process

This gives us tools in our lives to make things easier. There are three crucial ingredients for the manifestation process to work. If you practice, it will work, I guarantee. 

1. Decision: The most important. Any kind of decision immediately starts to manifest as it is a spark of free will. If you change decisions, you cancel the manifestation process and create a new one, you create chaos. Decide what to do to create. You need clarity in what you want to create. Theoretically, you can create anything you want. Whatever people decide, those with the stronger decision will win. 

The level of the decision is on the mental plane. Manifestation takes time on the physical plane; manifesting a cup of coffee takes 15 min, buying a house can take two years. You need to keep the decision until it manifests. The Rothschilds succeeded because they kept the same decision for 200 years for the financial system that we have now. The digital financial system is only 10 years old, and many people dont want it, so it will fail. 

Those who have the clearest decision will win. Get more clarity in the decision in talking to different parts of yourself, agree and unify into a single decision. It is recommended to keep your decision in this phase for yourself, otherwise other people would suggest you not to do it and interfere with your decision. This is, of course, manipulation of the dark forces, but it is getting better. 

2. Invocation: Invocation is putting emotional energy into it. Imagine it, visualize it, feel it, invoke, accelerate. Too much attachment to the outcome will/can block the flow. 

3. Physical action: Usually you need to take physical action. 

For success, keep repeating the 3-step cycle until it manifests. The factors against it, or why is it taking a long time, include: If other people are not aligned with your decision, other people's decisions, the dark forces, the anomaly, it takes time. Most people will not be happy, so dont talk about it to others, be silent, until you have some results. The dark forces touch people around you to block you. 

You can do as many manifestation processes as you like. If you are in the flow, it is a magnetic manifestation and its easier. Ask your Higher Self what do you want to manifest? Manifestation of the Ascension process is an example of what we can manifest. 

Q & A: 

Q: How can the dark forces affect our manifestations? 

A: They pressure weak spots, people around you, to block the manifestation. 

Q: Why is it that now some Lightworkers are not attacked anymore and some are attacked more intensely? 

A: The dark forces do not have as many resources available as they used to, so they are focusing attacks on selected people. 

Clarity Exercise

Note: To end the workshop, Cobra asked us to write a short story about a perfect life, the Clarity Exercise. To do this, we take a piece of paper and write a short story about our perfect life in a very detailed way. Write the title: My Perfect Life

A few minutes later, Cobra said, What you have written is your decision. Take it home and go for the manifestation of your perfect life. 

Victory of the Light!