“我們所熟悉的世界已經結束了” ,3月底最新COBRA訪談,。
“The world as we know it has ended.”
COBRA: 大家可以把目前的疫情看作是一次全球的淨化過程, 全人類做為一個整體必須面對他們的各種恐懼, 人類過去(被腦控)幾乎完全否定一切事物(地球真相), 目前正在發生的事情是在告知大家真相; 人類正在面對鏡中的自己, 而這是極度療癒的經驗, 既便這個很具挑戰性, 其結果會是一個大為健康的社會; 其結果會成為真正接地氣而且平衡的水瓶座時代的基礎, 這才我們真正想要的!
Cobra: You can see this current epidemic situation as a global purification process. Humanity as a whole has to face their fears. Humanity was almost completely in denial about almost everything. What is happening now is acknowledging the truth. Humanity is facing the mirror which is an extremely healing experience, although it is quite challenging, the result of this will be a much healthier society. The result of this will be the foundation will be laid for the real grounded, balanced Age of Aquarius, and this is what we all want.