《本站目錄 建立於2023/7月 網誌存檔》
2023/6/9 COBRA 光明勢力正在清除實體的生物晶片。這項清理工作還需要花上一些時間。為了減輕生物晶片對人類思緒的干擾,光明勢力要推薦這本書上介紹的技巧:
原文圖文並茂版 https://dokumen.pub/mind-clearing-the-key-to-mindfulness-mastery-1849053073-9781849053075.html
譯註:這是愛麗絲·威爾東著作的Mind Clearing: The Key to Mindfulness Mastery
《心智清理:掌握正念的關鍵》(Mind Clearing: The Key to Mindfulness Mastery)由愛麗絲·惠爾登(Alice Whieldon)和勞倫斯·諾伊斯(Lawrence Noyes)合著,於2015年出版。本書深入探討了心智清理(Mind Clearing)的基礎、基本原則和技術,這是一種正念練習的延伸。全書分為三個部分:
1. 背景:介紹人類對解決痛苦的探索,以及伯納(Berner)的改變公式。
2. 心智:討論心智的問題、結構和內容。
3. 處理心智:心智清理:解釋為何需要對心智採取行動,介紹清理溝通循環、態度的工作、罪惡感與業力,以及心智清理的實際操作和與正念的關係。
《Mind Clearing: The Key to Mindfulness Mastery》是一本關於心智清晰和正念的書籍,作者通過系統的方法幫助讀者清理心智中的雜念,從而達到更高的專注力和內在平靜。以下是這本書的重點整理:
### **1. 書籍主旨**
- **核心概念**:心智清晰(Mind Clearing)是一種通過系統化方法清理心智中的混亂、執念和負面模式,從而達到更高層次的正念和自我覺察的過程。
- **目標**:幫助讀者擺脫心智中的「噪音」,提升專注力、創造力和內在平靜,實現心智的自由與掌控。
### **2. 心智混亂的來源**
- **執念與固定模式**:心智中的混亂往往來自於過去的經驗、未解決的情感和固定的思維模式。
- **內在對話**:持續的自我對話和內在批評會干擾心智的清晰度。
- **外部影響**:社會壓力、他人期望和文化背景也會對心智造成負擔。
### **3. 心智清晰的步驟**
- **覺察**:首先需要覺察到心智中的混亂和執念,意識到它們的存在。
- **釋放**:通過特定的技巧(如冥想、書寫或對話)釋放這些執念和負面模式。
- **整合**:將清理後的心智狀態整合到日常生活中,形成新的、更健康的思維習慣。
### **4. 實踐方法**
- **冥想與正念**:通過冥想和正念練習,培養對當下的覺察力,減少心智中的雜念。
- **書寫練習**:將內心的想法和情感寫下來,幫助釋放和整理混亂的思緒。
- **對話與傾聽**:與他人進行深度對話,或通過自我對話的方式,清理心智中的未解決問題。
- **身體練習**:通過身體活動(如瑜伽或呼吸練習)釋放情感和壓力,促進心智與身體的和諧。
### **5. 心智清晰的益處**
- **提升專注力**:清理心智中的雜念後,注意力更容易集中在當下的任務上。
- **增強創造力**:心智清晰後,創造力和靈感更容易湧現。
- **內在平靜**:減少內在衝突和負面情緒,獲得更高的內在平靜和幸福感。
- **更好的決策**:心智清晰後,能夠更理性地分析問題並做出明智的決定。
### **6. 心智清晰的挑戰**
- **持續練習**:心智清晰不是一蹴而就的,需要持續的練習和努力。
- **面對不適**:在清理心智的過程中,可能會觸發一些不適的情感和記憶,需要勇氣去面對和釋放。
- **避免逃避**:有些人可能會通過忙碌或其他方式逃避心智中的問題,這會阻礙心智清晰的實現。
### **7. 心智清晰與正念的關係**
- **正念的基礎**:心智清晰是正念的基礎,只有在心智清晰的狀態下,才能真正做到對當下的覺察。
- **相互促進**:正念練習可以幫助實現心智清晰,而心智清晰又能深化正念的效果。
### **8. 實際應用**
- **個人成長**:心智清晰可以幫助個人更好地理解自己,實現自我成長。
- **人際關係**:清理心智中的負面模式後,能夠更健康地處理人際關係。
- **工作與學習**:提升專注力和創造力,從而提高工作和學習的效率。
### **總結**
《Mind Clearing: The Key to Mindfulness Mastery》提供了一套系統的方法,幫助讀者清理心智中的混亂,實現更高的正念和自我掌控。通過覺察、釋放和整合,讀者可以提升專注力、創造力和內在平靜,從而過上更充實和有意義的生活。這本書適合對正念、自我成長和心理學感興趣的讀者。
老高講意識 https://youtu.be/Y7QGIBQZ3Rk
製作: https://ipaack.blogspot.com/
1 幾千年來,
查理斯·伯納(Charles Berner,1927-2007)是“心靈清除”的創始人,他一直對進步感興趣,並畢生
的目標讀者 心靈清除 為身心健康領域的從業者提供了一個全新的視角。此外,對於那些對自助感興趣的人,心靈清除提供了對我們思想本質以及如何解決其問題的洞察力。
說明 本書的第一部分“背景”包括兩章。第1章(“尋求解決人類苦難的方法”)追溯了伯納從新時代尋求者到印度傳統教師的旅程。它通過Mind Clear與Swami Kripalu一起投降冥想來映射他的工作。它介紹了勞倫斯·諾伊斯(Lawrence Noyes)作為伯納的學生,後來又以當前和全面的形式介紹了心靈清除的建築師。第2章(「伯納的變革公式」)概述了伯納確定的幫助的關鍵。它著眼於他對心靈清除模型的發展以及他為幫助人們通過溝通工作溶解心靈而制定的公式。
All of us have mind chatter. All of us suffer, to some extent, from ideas that get in the way of fulfilled relating. All of us resort at times to behaviour patterns, mostly learned in childhood, that disrupt easy contact with others. We want to find meaning and peace and stability, but as long as we search for them in the over-stuffed maelstrom of our thoughts and ideas, we will find only unreliable substitutes for real satisfaction. This is the human condition; life, as the Buddha said, is defined by suffering.1
Many people, over millennia, have tried to find ways to cure us of this condition. Some methods work for some people, some of the time. Mind Clearing offers a fresh perspective and approach for the times in which we live. A counselling-style practice, it aims to reduce the suffering caused by mental, emotional, relationship and spiritual distress. It is based on the observation that most inner conflicts and states of unhappiness come about as a result of unexpressed communications.2
In the model presented here, the mind of Mind Clearing is the sum total of those things unsaid. It is the outer layer of the human condition; the ideas or meaning aspect of it. Dealing with our minds is vital if we wish to improve our health and happiness at a fundamental level.
Mind Clearing builds on the vital work being done with mindfulness and takes it to the next step. It brings together the techniques of mindfulness that teach a new way of being with the insight that further progress requires more concerted help to dissolve the stuff of mind. It takes apart what material help and progress actually are and puts this into a one-to-one approach with mindfulness in a powerful dynamic. It completes the mindfulness project by giving it both a solid theoretical model with which it can progress on its own terms as well as techniques that pinpoint the key elements of help in the moment.
Defining the word ‘mind’ for the purposes of Mind Clearing might be confusing at the start. In common usage, we use mind to mean lots of different things. We tend to think that we are, in some crucial way, our minds. Consequently we might be uncomfortable at any suggestion that we would be better off without a mind. Even if we are prepared to countenance that possibility, perhaps through insights gained in mindfulness meditation, we almost certainly view the mind as linked to our capacity to think and operate in the world. So the desirability, as suggested in this book, of having less or even no mind may sound like encouraging people to be zombies.
But that is not how the situation is understood here. Mind Clearing rests on a very particular definition of the mind as fundamentally a problem. This problem is not like having a broken leg that will be fine once healed. The very existence of mind is a mistake and the mind itself inherently troublesome. Certainly it can be made somewhat neater and more efficient, but it cannot be fixed.
If we wish to make progress along the path that mindfulness and other methods of self-examination start us on, then our first task is to deal with the mind. It is the gatekeeper to becoming more ourselves. To a small extent that means improving the organisation of the mind, but finally it means going beyond our need for it altogether.
Mind Clearing is a very good tool for doing this. It literally clears the mind away through helping us raise our ability at communicating with others. As we get better at communicating how things are for us, this in turn reduces the actual quantity and complexity of unhelpful ideas we have put between us and others that prevent us from relating easily and well. It is based on the insight that our most basic drive and purpose in life is to connect with each other; so the better we are at this, the more fulfilled we become and the less we need substitutes.
The better we are at relating, the clearer we also become in ourselves about who we actually are and what we want. The better we become at presenting who we are and what we want, so the clearer about life we become and the more likely we are to live in harmony with who we are; this includes our relationships, which will be deeper and more real.
Charles Berner (1927–2007), the founder of Mind Clearing, was always interested in what progress looked like and spent his life in
pursuit of that understanding. As he worked on the project that became Mind Clearing, he gained an increasingly clear appreciation of what we are up against; the situation is both better and worse than most of us suppose. It is worse because we are in more of a mess with our minds than we suppose; it is better because we can do something about it, at its very root. As he developed his work, Berner put together a map that explains how the mind operates and why it is a problem. This book explores that map and the conclusions Berner drew about what real help and progress look like and how to achieve them in practical ways.
Intended audience for this book
Mind Clearing offers a fresh perspective for practitioners in the field of mental and physical health. In addition, for those interested in self- help, Mind Clearing offers insight into the nature of our minds and in how to address its problems.
Description of the content
Part I of this book, ‘Background’, comprises two chapters. Chapter 1 (‘The Search for a Resolution to Human Suffering’) traces Berner’s journey from New Age seeker to a teacher in the Indian traditions. It maps out his work through Mind Clearing to Surrender Meditation with Swami Kripalu. It introduces Lawrence Noyes as Berner’s student, and latterly the architect of Mind Clearing in its current and comprehensive form. Chapter 2 (‘Berner’s Formula for Change’) outlines the keys to help that Berner identified. It looks at his development of the Mind Clearing model and the formula he crafted for helping people dissolve the mind through communication work.
Part II, ‘The Mind’, also contains two chapters. Chapter 3 (‘The Problem That Is the Mind’) discusses how the mind can seem like an overwhelming mass, whereas in fact it has a clear beginning and can have a clear end. This chapter looks at how the mind comes into being and why. Chapter 4 (‘The Structure and Content of the Mind’) builds on the previous chapter: this section maps the mind from its less fixed
outer layers through ever more fixed layers to the core. It discusses how we can deal with these layers in practical terms.
Part III, ‘Dealing with the Mind: Mind Clearing’, contains seven chapters. Chapter 5 (‘Why We Must Do Something About the Mind’) discusses taking control of the mind and how reducing its influence is not only a recipe for greater happiness and fulfilment for ourselves, it is a moral imperative. Chapter 6 (‘The Clearing Communication Cycle’) deals with the practical matter of how we can dissolve the mind. It gives an account of the principles of Mind Clearing and how the mind is dealt with through a gain in the ability to communicate directly through clearing communication cycles. Chapter 7 (‘Working with Attitudes’) discusses how the fixed attitudes that make up the mind are distorted communications. This part of the book discusses the Mind Clearing formula for working with people in dealing directly with fixed attitudes through focusing on what people are really saying in distorted ways and helping them communicate more directly. Chapter 8 (‘Guilt and Karma’) examines the common stumbling block of guilt along with how to help people release themselves from it and progress. Chapter 9 (‘Dos and Don’ts of Mind Clearing’) covers a few things to always do and never do in sessions. Chapter 10 (‘The Mind Clearing Project’) gives a brief overview of Mind Clearing results and training. It briefly introduces some of the other methods Berner developed for dealing with the body emotions and for deeper spiritual progress. It also looks at how we can work on do-it-yourself projects using Mind Clearing principles. Chapter 11 (‘Mind Clearing and Mindfulness’) discusses how Mind Clearing is the next step in the mindfulness revolution that has taken the world of health, well- being and personal development by storm since the start of the new millennium. Mind Clearing is mindfulness mastery; taking the practice into the dynamic of one-to-one relating, it marries the insight that help happens within the therapeutic relationship with the practice of being in the moment. Chapter 11 looks at mindfulness training as an important development within psychological health and well-being and how Mind Clearing brings it more usefully into one-to-one help with a confluent theoretical model and concrete techniques.