雙生靈魂連結冥想 2024 Twin Souls Meditation



1. 使用自己的技巧進入放鬆的意識狀態。

2. 觀想一道光柱從天空而降,穿過你,然後直達地球中心。

3. 觀想從你的心發出明亮的彩虹漩渦, 擴展到整個地球, 喚醒並且召喚你的雙生靈魂。

4. 觀想你的雙生靈魂坐在你面前 2 公尺的位置。盡可能詳細地想像你的雙生靈魂是一個理想的伴侶,例如他們的身體、衣服、存在和能量場。對雙生靈魂的能量存在敞開心扉。

5. 用液態流光的乙太繩索將你的脈輪與你的雙生靈魂的脈輪連結起來。觀想紫色的能量流,在頂輪連結你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

6. 觀想一股紫色的能量流,在眉心輪連接你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

7. 觀想藍色能量流,在喉輪連結你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

8. 觀想綠色的能量流,在心輪連結你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

9. 觀想黃色的能量流,在太陽神經叢脈輪連接你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

10. 想像橘色的能量流,在性脈輪處連結你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

11. 觀想一股紅色的能量流,在底層脈輪連結你和你的雙生靈魂,同時進行雙向流動。

12. 你和你的雙生靈魂現在正在從每個脈輪的能量流連結。保持呼吸和能量流過所有通道幾分鐘。

13. 現在專注於與你的雙生靈魂在心輪一起呼吸。觀想一個明亮的白色光球在你和你的雙生靈魂中間,位於靈魂之星脈輪的高度。這明亮的白光與你和你的雙生靈魂的心輪形成一個等邊三角形。

14. 看著你雙生靈魂的眼睛,感受與他在所有創造維度上的連結。讓的存在完全包圍你。觀想你抱著他、親吻結合。與一起呼吸,當你吸氣時,接受你心中對雙生靈魂的渴望,當你呼氣時,放棄你對雙生靈魂的所有渴望。感受這次結合的歡愉。這種幸福是合一世界中唯一僅存的東西。

15.當你想要結束冥想時,將這種結合內化, 並想像它正在你的內在發生。當我們也將這種能量錨定到我們的身體時,我們就創造了一塊磁石,將我們的雙生靈魂召喚到現實世界。


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1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. Visualize a pillar of Light, which emanates from the Sky, goes through you and then onwards towards the centreof the Earth.

3. Visualize a spiral vortex of rainbow Light which emanates from your heart. Visualize this vortexexpanding throughout the world and awakening and calling your twin soul.

4. Visualize your twin soul sitting 2 meters in front of you. Visualize your twin soul as an ideal mate in as many details as possible, such as their physical body, clothing, presence and the energy field. Open yourself to the energetic presence of your twin soul.

5. Connect your chakras with chakras of your twin soul with etheric cords of liquid Light. Visualize a flow of energy in violet color, connecting you and your twin soul at the crown chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

6. Visualize a flow of energy in purple color, connecting you and your twin soul at the brow chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

7. Visualize a flow of energy in blue color, connecting you and your twin soul at the throat chakra , flowing in both directions at once.

8. Visualize a flow of energy in green color, connecting you and your twin soul at the heart chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

9. Visualize a flow of energy in yellow color, connecting you and your twin soul at the solar plexus chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

10. Visualize a flow of energy in orange color, connecting you and your twin soul at the sexual chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

11. Visualize a flow of energy in red color, connecting you and your twin soul at the base chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

12. You and your twin soul are now connecting with flows of energy at each chakra. Maintain the breath and energy flow through all channels for a few minutes.

13. Now focus on breathing together with your twin soul at the heart chakra. Visualize a brilliant white Light sphere in the middle of you and your twin soul at the level of the soul star chakra. This brilliant white Light forms an equilateral triangle with the heart chakra of you and your twin soul.

14. Look into the eyes of your twin soul and feel the connection with her on all planes of Creation. Let her presence surround you completely. Visualize yourself embracing her and merging with her in a kiss. Breathe together with her, and as you breathe in, accept yearnings of your twin soul in your heart and when you breathe out surrender all of your yearnings towards your twin soul. Feel the happiness of this merger. This happiness is the only thing that will remain in the world of Oneness.

15.When you would like to conclude the meditation, internalize this merger and imagine that it is happening inside of you. When we also anchor this energy into our bodies we are creating a magnet which calls our twin soul into the external world.

