5/22 When the time is right...


全文 Source: https://ipaack.blogspot.com/2023/05/522.html


Those biochips would detect any physical intervention of the Light Forces on the surface. The contacted individual would first be very happy, but his increased vibrational frequency together with the video/audio feed from the biochip would alert the Chimera mainframe computer in the DARPA pit.




Immediate action would be taken to decrease the vibrational frequency of the contacted individual, either by removing that individual through DEW electroplasma induced heart attack, by orchestrating a car accident, by removing the loved ones of that particular individual, or by any similar means. This is one of the main reasons why the Light Forces are not contacting individuals on the surface.




The other reason is asymmetric retaliation. If one Lightwerkers would be contacted, the dark forces are threatening to harm or even kill thousands others.




If non-physical contact is made, or if a certain individual raises his vibrational frequency too much, the physical biochip detects that also, and automatically lowers the vibration of the individual by inducing electroshocks through the navel biochip. The navel biochip is capable of producing electroshocks between 20 and 130 volts, depending on the circumstances. At the same time, the two biochips in the frontal lobe of the brain produce strong magnetic fields that produce sleepiness, brain fog and confusion. Thus physical biochips represent a very efficient slave driver mechanism which controls the surface population.




On top of that, the biochips synthesize mind altering chemicals that produce sleepiness (frontal lobe biochips) and fear (biochip above the navel).




On top of that, the frontal lobe biochips monitor the brain activity and communicate with other biochips and with DARPA mainframe computer through ultrasound, and navel biochip constantly suppresses the vibrational frequency through infrasound.




The physical plane is further monitored and controlled through scalar network created with cellphone towers, cellphones themselves, and wi-fi networks:









The next layer is the global network of ionospheric heaters:








And the next layer is the Space Force (former Air Force Space Command) surveillance network, which detects and removes any Positive ET intrusion attempts into the quarantine:






The Light Forces have explained to me how all this ties into the timing dynamics of the Event:




