
每天自動設定振動的法則成為行動, 更容易吸引我們想要的.

所有的思想、情緒或精神狀態, 程度都有其振動模式,


我們的思想在這個過程中起著關鍵作用, 因為它們是人類慾望和顯化之間的橋樑,



# 專注於你想要的,而非你所缺的

# 用正面語句來表達你的渴望

# 觀想你的夢想成為現實 

# 對你所有的一切心存感激


# 用解決方案取代擔憂

# 永遠保持樂觀

# 對你的行為負責

all thoughts emotions or mental states have their degree and mode of vibration to evolve is to develop our ability to accelerate our vibration pass to the point of manifesting our reality the stronger our vibration of field and certainty become the easier in each tract what we desire our thoughts lay a key role in this process\. as they are the bridge between desire and man manifestation, by ting our vibration to another of the same vibrational frequency we have the power to create an intense and powerful bene in practice the adoption of\. the following, behaviors in your daily life will automatically set the principle of vibration into motion

in practice the adoption of the following behavior in your daily life will automatically set the principle of vibration in devotion focus on what you want not, what you like use positive words to express her desires visualize your cress becoming a reality be grateful for what you have meditate for at least five, minutes replace worries with solutions be optimistic always, take responsibility for your actions there is much in\. practice the adoption


