罕見文獻: 聖哲曼在美國大陸會議的演講 摧生"美國獨立宣言"

《美國秘史:關於我們國家不為人知的過去與內在目的的經典著作》曼利‧P‧霍爾 (Manly P. Hall) (1928)

這本書為美國長期以來注定成為新亞特蘭提斯的想法提供了額外的背景。曼利·霍爾(Manly P. Hall)追溯了美國充滿活力的藍圖的深層根源,該藍圖既支持個人自由,也支持整個社會的和諧。這不是從美國的建國文件開始,而是從更早的三個美洲(北美洲、南美洲和中美洲)土著文明的社會結構開始。霍爾詳細介紹了南美洲和中美洲的高雅文化——瑪雅人、阿茲特克人和印加人——如何擁有與西方世界古代神秘學派非常相似的深奧儀式、習俗、思想和符號,而這些學派可能都起源於同一個國家。然而,關鍵的區別在於,在美洲,社會沒有像舊世界那樣受到戰爭和少數人暴政的影響,這無疑是由於它靠近陰謀集團。因此,在歐洲人到來之前,新世界文化總體上更加合作、積極與和平。


例如,在北美,始於 1500 年代的易洛魁聯盟擁有世界歷史上最先進、最開明的治理體系之一,其基礎原則和概念似乎與《銀河法典》相呼應。這些原則是在這些相同的想法進入美國建國文件的數百年前透過直接神聖的靈感賦予他們的一位聖人的。 





「在我活著的時候,我的朋友們,我相信那是他的聲音,是的,如果我的靈魂在永恆的邊緣顫抖......我仍然會,用那個靈魂的最後衝動.. ....懇求你記住這個真理:上帝已經給了美國要自由……我會用我最後微弱的耳語懇求你簽署這份協議






The Secret History of America: Classic Writings on Our Nation's Unknown Past and Inner Purpose by Manly P. Hall (1928)

This book gives additional background to the idea that the USA has long been destined to become the New Atlantis. Manly P. Hall traces the deep origins of why America is imbued with an energetic blueprint that supports both the freedom of the individual and also the harmony of the society as a whole. This begins, not with the founding documents of the USA, but rather much farther back with the societal structures of the indigenous civilizations of all three Americas (North, South and Central). Hall details how the high cultures of South and Central America—the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas—had esoteric rites, practices, ideas and symbols that were very similar to the ancient mystery schools of the Western world, which were probably all traced to the same Atlantean origin. The key difference, however, was that in the Americas the societies did not have the same degree of baggage of war and tyranny by the few that weighed down the energy of Old World, no doubt thanks to its proximity to the Cabal. As a result, the New World cultures were on the whole much more cooperative, positive and peaceful up until the arrival of the Europeans.


In North America, for example, the Iroquois Confederacy beginning in the 1500s had one of the most advanced and enlightened systems of governance that has ever been developed in the history of the world, based on principles and concepts that seem to echo the Galactic Codex. These principles were given to one of their holy men by direct divine inspiration a couple hundred years before those same ideas made their way into the founding documents of the USA. 

In the book is the speech given by Saint Germain to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776. I thought you might be interested in it based on Cobra’s mention of the story of the mysterious man who magically appeared and gave a speech to bolster the resolve of the men who were initially apprehensive about signing the Declaration of Independence. The actual text of the speech is difficult to find, and Hall’s version may be our only available source for it. 

Here is the text of the speech of that unknown stranger, who we now know was Saint Germain:

“They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in the land; they may turn every rock into a scaffold, every tree into a gallows, every home into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can never die. They may pour our blood on a thousand scaffolds, and yet from every drop that dyes the axe a new champion of freedom will spring into birth. The words of this Declaration will live in the world long after our bones are dust. To the mechanic in his workshop, they will speak hope. To the slave in the mines, freedom.

“Methinks I see the recording angel come trembling up to the throne and speak his dread message: ‘Father, the old world is baptized in blood … Man trodden beneath the oppressor’s feet, nations lost in blood, murder and superstition walking hand in hand over the graves of the victims’ … but hark, the voice of God speaks from out the awful cloud: ‘Let there be light again! Tell my people, the poor and the oppressed, to go out from the Old World … and build my Altar in the New.’

“As I live, my friends, I believe that to be His voice, yes, were my soul trembling on the verge of eternity … I would still, with the last impulse of that soul … implore you to remember this truth: God has given America to be free … I would beg you, with my last faint whisper, to sign that

Parchment for the sake of those millions … who look up to you, for the awful words: ‘You are free.’”


With that speech for inspiration, the Declaration of Independence was signed. Hall says when the first signers then turned to congratulate for the impassioned orator who gave the speech, he was gone. The doors to the room had been locked and monitored the whole day, so there was no way anyone could have gotten in or out through o

rdinary means.

