12.20 cobra main course




  • 頂夸克炸彈已移除。
  • 危險情況已經解決。
  • 積極的時間表已經確定。地球是安全的。從現在開始將會發生巨大的轉變,但巨大的危險已經消除。




人類的進化速度很慢。微小的改變需要多次化身。從過去的五個世紀開始,外星人的參與就越來越少了。外星人也與阿加莎進行技術合作。Agartha Network 已經聯繫了一些人。這最終將導致人類進化。集體努力。

銀河系中央太陽的能量是超光速子能量。快子是宇宙誕生時產生的第一個粒子。它具有盡可能高的振動。它創建與來源的直接連接。黑暗力量創造了面紗,阻止超光速粒子能量到達地球。快子被電離層吸收,不會到達表面。因此,人們不和諧、不健康、不快樂。如果有足夠的快子能量,人們將會更健康和快樂。昴宿星人已要求 COBRA 開發快子室,以便更多的快子到達地球。腔室有兩個部分。

  1. 第一部 – 地球軌道
  2. 第二部分-地球表面密室的物理部分.



在亞特蘭提斯陷落時,有兩個非常先進的王國。其中之一是在印度南部,即泰米爾納德邦。有一個名為 Ram Setu 的重要建築。其次是拉賈斯坦邦的印度河谷。那是一個強大的王國。亞特蘭提斯淪陷後,兩個文明都在某種程度上倖存下來。他們由精神國王領導。慢慢地聯繫就減少了。黑暗勢力滲透到南北文明。這些文明是地球上最先進的。







強大的能量漩渦正在泰米爾納德邦、 喀拉拉邦、德里周圍 、 拉賈斯坦邦等地區被激活 

  • 德里:紅堡、舊德里地區需要重新激活
  • 阿格拉:泰姬陵是一座非常強大的建築。它有八邊形,它基於神聖幾何學。它是帶來光明的強大精神機器。它的目的是為地球帶來光明。它是銀河中央太陽的錨。它是地球上僅次於金字塔的第二個重要建築。它是 M87 星系的主要錨點。在泰姬陵周圍創建如意寶珠網絡非常重要。它是印度和穆斯林(或莫臥兒)文化融合而成的,它擁有所有文化中最好的。它的開發是為了將天堂帶到人間,而不僅僅是一個旅遊景點。這是 M87 星系的行星曼陀羅。
  • 齋浦爾:另一個漩渦位於齋浦爾老城。那裡需要大量的紫羅蘭火焰。
  • 烏代布爾: 烏代布爾大湖(皮丘拉湖)是女神漩渦。
  • 克什米爾:克什米爾的斯利那加湖是一個女神漩渦。
  • 拉達克地區 :一些修道院。
  • 印度南部:  KANYAKUMARI 的尖端在印度最重要。它需要用如意寶珠和銀河如意寶珠重新激活。 坦賈武爾/坦焦爾 是印度女神能量的入口。它在伊斯蘭入侵下遭到破壞。




冥想3: 用天藍色光柱進行冥想,然後紫羅蘭火焰繞著團體逆時針旋轉,然後再次用天藍色光柱進行冥想。


啟動 ATVOR 的確認

  1. 我召喚純白光柱降臨在我身上並在我周圍形成。
  2. 我呼喚「我是我所是」的存在。
  3. 我請求「我是我是」的存在加入並與我融合。






[說出上述肯定語 3 次並觀想來自上方的紫色火焰,並將所有衝突投入其中]
這是釋放舊能量的好技巧。您也可以與其他人分享這項肯定。說 3 次或更多。然後使用紫羅蘭火焰冥想,將衝突拋入紫羅蘭火焰中。您可以定期或根據需要使用它。



Last few years, we have gone through a very intense purification. In cosmic scale there have been highest changes. Earth is the last planet to go through this transformation. We have not experienced positive effects yet. Earth’s surface is the last point where transformation will occur.

This year some key important changes have happened.

  • Toplet bombs have been removed.
  • Dangerous situations have been resolved.
  • Positive timeline has been secured. The planet Earth is secure. There will be a huge transformation from now onwards but big dangers have been removed.

So Light Forces can now approach the surface. It will be gradual first, then it will accelerate. Breakthrough will happen, things will move very fast. It will be sudden and people will be surprised. Things will appear to be normal, then breakthrough will happen all of sudden.

Exactly how it will happen, I can’t say. There is lot of free will be involved in this process. Basic timeline is secure but details change according to decision of strong freewill. People face impulses and must strengthen their freewill. As of now, a small number of people use freewill consciously, they decide what’s happening in this planet. Most people are using freewill negatively, and only a few are using positively. It is an energetic battle between positive freewill and negative freewill. Rest of the people are spectators, enjoying things like social media, watching TV. It’s a battle of mind and will, it’s a spiritual war.

We are now reaching the peak of Atlantis project. I will talk according to Western Astrology. Pluto will be re-entering Aquarius in a month (Jan, 2024). Earth will have shattering energy changes. The energy will start bringing disclosures. There have been layers of artificial control because of which there was zero contact. There are many layers of this control, some of which have been dismantled. Some people are getting security clearance to start talking. They will start when they get signal. They will share experiences about ET life, what they saw, heard, the real experiences. How it will play out, no one knows. There are people pushing for it, there are people stopping it. But the Positive Push getting stronger. Consciousness is getting ready. People are ready in their consciousness.

Humans have slow rate of evolution. It takes many incarnations for small changes. From last five centuries, less ET involvement is there. ETs also work with Agartha for technology. There are people who have been contacted by Agartha Network. This will finally be leading to Evolution for Humanity. A collective effort.

Now we will take up questions:

Now we will continue. Let me talk about Tachyon particles.

Energy of Galactic Central Sun is Tachyon energy. Tachyon was the first particle created when the Universe was born. It has highest vibration possible. It creates direct connection to Source. Veil was created by dark forces prevent Tachyon energy from reaching the planet. Tachyons are absorbed by the ionosphere and don’t reach the surface. Because of this, people are not in harmony, not healthy & not happy. If there will be enough Tachyon energy, people will be healthier and happier. Pleiadians have asked COBRA to develop Tachyon chambers so that more tachyons reach the planet. There are two parts of the chamber.

  1. First Part – Earth Orbit
  2. Second Part – Physical Part of Chambers on Surface Of Earth.

I have brought some Tachyonized stones and will show the stones. We will have a 20 min break and you can buy the products.

List of Stones
  1. Cintamani (Sirius)
  2. Galactic Cintamani (Galactic Central Sun)
  3. Columbian Tektites (Sirius)
  4. ATVOR Aquamarine crystals (help in ATVOR meditation; ATVOR technology assists in ascension process)
  5. Sapphire – Personal Protection, Removal of Obstacles
  6. Meteorites – cleanse our subtle patterns
  7. Goddess Jewels – anchor to Goddess presence
  8. Products for cellphone or house protection against EMF

Welcome back. We continue the main program. We will align our energies again.
Energy Alignment Meditation: Same meditation previously done, was repeated.
We will start with questions.

New Atlantis Project

Now we discuss on India; St Germain is trying to reactivate network of light. It has started in March 2023 and increased in June-July. We together need to reactivate network of light in India. Earlier it was strong in India but it got deactivated. On etheric planes there are ley lines and vortexes in India. These ley lines connect to energy grids.

At the time of fall of Atlantis, there were two very advanced kingdoms. One was in Southern part of India, i.e. in Tamil Nadu. There is a significant structure named Ram Setu. Second was Indus valley in Rajasthan. It was a strong kingdom. After fall of Atlantis both civilizations survived to certain degree. They were led by spiritual kings. Slowly the connection decreased. Dark forces infiltrated both civilizations in north and south. These civilizations were the most advanced on the planet.

Archeologists have found many evidences; but it has been suppressed by Government. Certain findings have been beyond the understandings of archaeology. They were 7000-9000 years old. Corruption of evidence happened because of dark forces trying to get hold.

ETs were also got involved and war happened. Positive aspect of this war that Aldebaran were involved in North Kingdom. But the dark draconian conquered. There was a nuclear war in India 5000-6000 years ago. The Rajasthan desert is because of a nuclear explosion. There are many radioactive radiation areas around. It has been described in Mahabharata. The Aldebaran lost and Draconian won the war. They started to infiltrate the priesthood network in India. There is a huge network of temples which they started to infiltrate and were taken over by Draconian. On surface, temples are controlled by government. But behind the scenes, they are controlled by priesthood network. This network is very powerful and is existing in many Indian temples.

Another layer to this, is the network of Black Nobility in India. They are in contact with political sides as well. Some are more than 100 years old, some more than 2000 years old too. They mostly exist in Rajasthan, North India, Tamil Nadu, Kerela.

Just before I came here, they attacked me. Many black magic rituals were done to some people when we announced this workshop. There are very strong rituals done in temples in priesthood structure. You can feel the energy, which temples are of light, which are not.

Other thing in India is that priesthood structures infiltrate New Age Movement in India. They are controlled by Draconian structure.

Light Forces are trying to reactivate certain temples and sacred sites across India. Light Forces have instructed to bury the Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones in those sacred sites so that temples can be reactivated. Cintamani can be buried in temples, and used during meditating in violet light. To help in purification of those temples, invoke the God or Goddess of that temple to purify it.

Powerful Energy Vortexes are being activated in areas like Tamil NaduKerala, around DelhiRajasthan.

  • DELHI: Red Fort, old Delhi area needs to be reactivated
  • AGRA: TAJ MAHAL is a very powerful structure. It has octagon, it’s based on sacred geometry. It’s a powerful spiritual machine to bring light. Its purpose was to bring light to earth. It’s an anchor for Galactic Central Sun. It’s the second most important building on the planet after pyramid. It’s a main anchor point for M87 galaxy. It’s very important to create Cintamani network around Taj Mahal. It was created as the fusion between Indian and Muslim (or Moghul) cultures, it has best of all cultures. It was developed to bring heaven to earth, not just a tourist spot. It’s a planetary mandala for M87 galaxy.
  • JAIPUR: Another Vortex is in old city of Jaipur. Lot of violet flame is required there.
  • UDAIPUR: Big Lake of Udaipur (Lake Pichola) is a goddess vortex.
  • KASHMIR: Srinagar lake in Kashmir is a goddess vortex.
  • AREAS IN LADAKH: Some Monasteries.
  • SOUTHERN INDIA: Tip of KANYAKUMARI is most important in India. It needs to be reactivated with Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones. THANJAVUR/TANJORE is an Entry point for Goddess energy in India. It was corrupted under Islamic invasion.

As this is end of Kaliyuga, energy of Durga is needed. Kali is one of the main aspects of Durga, which is lost in this darkness. Durga energy needs to come back. It will give justice to this planet. Darkness needs to be removed. To help this, you can connect with Durga, visit shrines, visit Durga temples. Guidance is available on my blog, what to do & how to reactivate network of light. Light beings have started sending energy, humans need to help.

Now I will talk about Activation of Abundance. St Germain is working for abundance. In India abundance is the greatest issue. People have been programmed to be kept poor. Financial systems keep people in poverty. St Germain provides help to activate abundance. Connect to St Germain and I AM presence and invoke abundance. St Germain started to activate gold in India. Gold is important. Indian Temples have been gathering gold from people for thousands of years. Temples have tons of gold. Islamic invaders took most of the gold, still much is left in temples. We need to reactivate gold. We can do meditation to connect to gold, reactivate it and see it given to people in India.

Banks in India has called temples to exchange gold. The gold belongs to people and St Germain trust. There are collateral accounts to bring abundance in India.

We will now take up questions:

Meditation 3: Meditation was done with sky blue pillar of light, followed by violet flame going anti clockwise around the group, then again sky-blue pillar of light.
We will start with questions.


It is most important technology of light forces for individual preparation. It is developed by Galactic Federation of Light. It is adjusted and greatly extended to reduce the anomaly. Meditation of Pillar of Light is what light forces use to counter anomaly. I have introduced ATVOR activation stones. Have it in hand when doing meditation of pillar of light. This makes it easier for light forces to connect with you.
I am giving you affirmations that help in activating pillar of light. Say these affirmation 3 times.

Affirmations to activate ATVOR

  1. I call upon the pillar of Pure White Light to descend upon me and form around me.
  2. I call upon the presence of I AM THAT I AM.
  3. I ask the presence of the I AM THAT I AM to join and merge with me.


You can use it regularly or as per your guidance to connect with light forces. They use it to remove anomaly. This also connects light forces and Agartha network. This meditation is also a protection shield. People need to start practicing this more.


It is very important. It’s a process by which we release attachment to past experiences. Past experiences are result of anomaly. That energy stays in energy field. If you forgive, you release attachment and release that energy. Releasing helps with good health. It’s not good to have that energy for ascension process.


I Decree & I Command to Release All My Conflicts with My Parents, with My Children, with My Partner, with Other People & with Other Lightworkers. I Decide Forgiveness.
It is a good technique to release old energies. You can share the affirmation with others as well. Say it 3 TIMES or MORE. Then use violet flame meditation and throw conflicts in violet flame. You can use it regularly or as needed.

With this we conclude the main program. I hope people will start activating the temples and vortexes in India.


