Powerful Energy Vortexes

Powerful Energy Vortexes are being activated in areas like Tamil Nadu, Kerala, around Delhi, Rajasthan.

  • DELHI: Red Fort, old Delhi area needs to be reactivated
  • AGRA: TAJ MAHAL is a very powerful structure. It has octagon, it’s based on sacred geometry. It’s a powerful spiritual machine to bring light. Its purpose was to bring light to earth. It’s an anchor for Galactic Central Sun. It’s the second most important building on the planet after pyramid. It’s a main anchor point for M87 galaxy. It’s very important to create Cintamani network around Taj Mahal. It was created as the fusion between Indian and Muslim (or Moghul) cultures, it has best of all cultures. It was developed to bring heaven to earth, not just a tourist spot. It’s a planetary mandala for M87 galaxy.
  • JAIPUR: Another Vortex is in old city of Jaipur. Lot of violet flame is required there.
  • UDAIPUR: Big Lake of Udaipur (Lake Pichola) is a goddess vortex.
  • KASHMIR: Srinagar lake in Kashmir is a goddess vortex.
  • AREAS IN LADAKH: Some Monasteries.
  • SOUTHERN INDIA: Tip of KANYAKUMARI is most important in India. It needs to be reactivated with Cintamani and Galactic Cintamani stones. THANJAVUR/TANJORE is an Entry point for Goddess energy in India. It was corrupted under Islamic invasion.

As this is end of Kaliyuga, energy of Durga is needed. Kali is one of the main aspects of Durga, which is lost in this darkness. Durga energy needs to come back. It will give justice to this planet. Darkness needs to be removed. To help this, you can connect with Durga, visit shrines, visit Durga temples. Guidance is available on my blog, what to do & how to reactivate network of light. Light beings have started sending energy, humans need to help.

