

一生中沒有一個人堅定地追求完美,這是悲劇性的— —因為這意味著人們的情感的大規模輻射已經限制了地球大氣層中的能量,以至於它正在將人們埋葬在自己的慾望之下。





摘錄自心愛的自由女神第 18 卷,



When you see, My Dear Ones, the millions of mankind as We do, constantly seething and surging back and forth in the gratification of their own desires with not one determined stand for Perfection in a whole lifetime, it is tragic—because that means that the mass radiation of the people’s feeling has so qualified the energy in the atmosphere of Earth that it is burying people under their own desires. And unless some Great Power of Life shocks and shatters and cracks away a certain proportion of that substance, why, people would go on indefinitely into more and more of those desires until there would be no hope for Freedom anywhere.

Now take your stand that your “Presence” wipe out of your world all substance that is attuned to the mass feeling of the people. And then you demand that replaced by whatever Substance and Flame from the Ascended Masters’ Octave is necessary to make you the Anchor of Light, and the Victory and Assurance to the people that the God Authority and Victorious Power in this Nation shall hold Possession of the Nation and all that is within the borders of this Land.

… I have been called your Cosmic Mother, and I want the people of America set Free in the Heart of My Love, that It may be the Law of Perfection and Happiness and the Ascension for them all, until the shadows are no more—and are not even remembered. May the Love which I bear to this Nation enfold you tonight and make you the Law of Our Authority to produce whatever Power of Perfection in the outer is necessary to hold your people victorious over all that is of the shadows. May the Light of Our Love blaze brightly in and around you all, and Its Law in Action bring Perfection that is boundless and blesses you for Eternity.

Excerpt by Beloved Goddess of Liberty from Volume 18,

 “I AM” Discourses on America

