





節選自親愛的耶穌基督的講道 19,第 3 卷

 When I said to My Disciples and to humanity: “The things that I have done shall ye do also, and even greater things shall ye do,” I knew whereof I spoke, knowing that within each individualization, or Child of God, there was this “Mighty I AM Presence” by whose use you are impelled forward with no uncertainty. I say, “impelled,” because I mean just that.

The constant use of your “I AM Presence” does impel you forward in spite of any activity of the outer self. So long as this single Idea is held firmly, storms, distress and disturbance may rage about you, but in the Consciousness of the “I AM Presence,” you can and are able to stand serene, unmoved by the seething vortex of human creation which may or may not be about you.
There is but one way by which you and the Father may become eternally one, and that is through the full acceptance of His “I AM Presence,” Energy, Love, Wisdom and Power which He has given you—golden links, golden steps, by which you climb serenely upward into your final Achievement.
Sometime, somewhere, every individualization of God the Father, must find his way back to the Father through his “I AM Presence,” fulfilling his cycle or cycles of individualizations in the use of the activity of the outer self.

Excerpt from Discourse 19 by Beloved Jesus the Christ, Volume 3
To read the full Discourse online, visit:

