12/28 RT News專欄:統治階級是否想要看到人口減少

 Powered to google translated 許多人長期以來一直懷疑,最富有的人希望自己擁有整個世界。 一些人認為,除了一群奴性的工蜂,精英們很快就會看到這個星球上的“無用的食客”被清除了。


 是 RT 的美國記者和政治評論員。 在 Twitter @velocirapture23 和 Telegram 上關注她

 文件照片。  ©法新社/野木和弘

 他們也非常勇敢地承認這一點。 億萬富翁邁克爾·布隆伯格 (Michael Bloomberg) 的同名出版物因以不那麼微妙的方式向數百萬不關心“光學”的社交媒體用戶推送反家庭、名副其實的反人類信息而臭名昭著。 同樣,在聖誕節那天,Twitter 用戶受到了一種歡樂的嘲笑,他們說,如果年輕情侶敢於做正常的美國事情,婚姻遠非滿足年輕人的浪漫希望和夢想,反而會吸乾他們的銀行賬戶。 就像上大學一樣——並且伴隨著與這種追求相關的嚴重債務水平。

 💍💸 大多數人認為婚姻是一種經濟上有益的安排。 這並不總是正確的 https://t.co/WshrxmvL1p

 — 彭博觀點 (@bopinion) 2021 年 12 月 25 日

 這篇文章不僅是對聖誕節期間常見的溫暖絨毛(大劑量可能有毒,不應被視為該季節唯一可接受的費用)的嚴厲打擊,而且它已經有一周的歷史了。 拿一篇譴責婚姻是金錢的古老文章(而不是婚姻中出生的孩子成功的最佳預測之一)並在聖誕節那天重新運行它相當於把爸爸媽媽從床上吵起來,踢 媽媽在她懷孕的肚子裡,並告訴這對夫婦他們正在從老闆那裡竊取生產時間。 別介意分手的家庭讓他們的孩子處於主要的經濟和心理社會劣勢——父母需要注意第一!

 除了這種內在自私的有毒副產品外,如果布隆伯格等人有他們的意願,他們可能是唯一一個“圍坐在餐桌旁享用奢華假日晚餐”的家庭。 沒有其他人會擁有家庭——嬰兒要吸塵或擦洗什麼? 這是有道理的,以一種病態的方式,但布隆伯格和類似出版物似乎鼓勵工人階級有條不紊地剝奪自己的權利(例如擁有自己的家的權利)的強硬方式適得其反,甚至在此之前 它擴展到全班級的自我毀滅呼籲(警告:生孩子是可怕的、複雜的和耗時的,更不用說對氣候有害!最好換一條金魚!)。 它產生的怨恨有朝一日可能會爆發在一場階級戰爭中,億萬富翁很容易失去這場戰爭,但肯定會在此過程中獲利。 儘管 DARPA 類型的自鳴得意,但人工智能機器人戰士尚未完善,並且很容易在戰場上互相射擊或他們的主人,而人類游擊隊則為物種的生存而戰,火炬漢普頓豪宅並留下寶貴的 富有的繼承人是孤兒,由那些在荒野中的游擊隊撫養長大。

  碳食物印記? 統治階級改變你吃什麼的計劃


 碳食物印記? 統治階級改變你吃什麼的計劃

 這些出版物陶醉於目前警告末日滾動讀者的那種恐怖故事,即在 Covid-19 大流行期間長大的孩子會在心理上受到傷害和身體畸形,而不是向驚恐的父母解釋有辦法避免此類悲劇的故事。

 核心敘述是,養家對於普通的美國工人階級來說太複雜、太可怕、太危險,而且還有其他風險,所以應該留給富人。 畢竟,誰能負擔得起研究過膝關節包紮最新尖端方法的“操場健康”專家? 或者是那些背誦古代搖籃曲綱要的高端多語種保姆,即使是最挑剔的嬰兒也能安撫入睡,那些前世是埃及女王並需要適當音樂伴奏的人?

 像比爾·蓋茨和邁克爾·布隆伯格本人這樣的超級富豪對遵守他們為其他人制定的規定並不感興趣。 每當他們自己的一個人結婚或有了孩子時,新聞就會充斥著他們頹廢慶祝活動的照片,潛台詞是用他們擁有的建築物一樣高的隱形字體寫著:你買不起,所以不要尷尬 自己嘗試。 曾經可能對一位中產階級媽媽為女兒最親密的朋友縫製伴娘禮服的瑪莎·斯圖爾特式的機智嗤之以鼻的出版物現在對這種平民的愚蠢嗤之以鼻——就好像一個普通人可以達到令人不寒而栗的機器人精度 數以億計的浪費美元可以買到。


 不幸的是,社交媒體的“影響者”文化意味著只需要這些自我陶醉的少數人就可以說服整個資產階級社會追隨他們的腳步——或者至少是渴望這樣做。 人們只能想像 21 世紀的優生學家在閱讀諸如“瀕臨崩潰:美國人口增長下降”之類的標題時會興高采烈,其中概述了美國人如何每年生育更少的孩子,描述了聯邦中一半的州如何擁有更多的孩子 死亡人數超過出生人數,這與不明智的預測相反,這些預測表明 Covid-19 封鎖將導致嬰兒潮,因為被困在裡面的夫婦將訴諸於“做自然而然的事情”,然後重生。 諸如年復一年破紀錄的阿片類藥物過量死亡等現象表明,大眾知道他們永遠無法負擔成長過程中被賣掉的現實,並感覺——多虧了統治階級的喉舌,他們大規模放棄了希望 就像西方媒體機構一樣——他們別無選擇。

 畢竟,如果不關心誰來養活小孩子就很難產生,而且多虧了彭博社和它的同類,不再有一個社會安全網就在拐角處來養活有需要的人或彌合從薪水到薪水的差距 (假設在 Covid 後的反烏托邦中完全有“薪水”)。 新自由主義的自我實現預言確保美國人真的別無選擇,只能成為永久租戶,如果年輕夫婦想在這個世界上“去某個地方”,他們不得不承擔沉重的債務負擔,而這種希望的代價太大了 以適應工人階級的預算。 新常態要求我們少花錢多辦事——否則就會死心塌地。 而統治階級似乎更喜歡後者。

 本專欄中表達的陳述、觀點和觀點僅代表作者本人,並不一定代表 RT 的觀點。

28 Dec, 2021 23:27 

Many have long suspected that the wealthiest humans would like to have the world to themselves. Aside from an underclass of servile worker-bees, the elite, some think, would just as soon see the planet purged of ‘useless eaters.’
Helen Buyniski
Helen Buyniski

is an American journalist and political commentator at RT. Follow her on Twitter @velocirapture23 and on Telegram

Does the ruling class want to see fewer of us?

They’ve gotten awfully ballsy about admitting it, too. Billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s eponymous publication is infamous for pushing anti-family, veritably anti-human messages in a less-than-subtle fashion on millions of social media users without a care for “optics.” On Christmas Day, no less, Twitter users were treated to a gleeful jeremiad about how marriage, far from fulfilling young people’s romantic hopes and dreams, would instead suck young lovers’ bank accounts dry if they’d had the audacity to do normal American things like go to college – and run up the accompanying levels of crippling debt associated with that pursuit.

Not only was the article a stark slap in the face to the usual Christmastime warm fuzzies (which can be toxic in large doses, and should not be treated as the only acceptable fare for the season), but it was a week old. Taking an ancient article denouncing marriage as a money-suck (instead of one of the best predictors of success for the children born into that marriage) and re-running it on Christmas Day is the equivalent of rousting Mom and Dad out of bed, kicking Mom in her pregnant belly, and telling the pair they’re stealing productive time from the boss. Never mind that families who split up are putting their children at a major financial and psychosocial disadvantage – parents need to be looking out for number one!

Aside from the toxic byproducts of such built-in selfishness, if Bloomberg et al had their will, theirs would probably be the only families gathering ‘round the table for lavish holiday dinners at all. No one else would have a family – what’s a baby going to vacuum, or scrub? It makes sense, in a sick way, but the heavy-handed manner in which Bloomberg and similar publications seem to go about encouraging the working class to methodically divest themselves of their rights (like the right to own one’s home) is counterproductive, even before it extends to class-wide calls for self-destruction (warning: having children is scary, complicated, and time-consuming, not to mention bad for the climate! better get a goldfish instead!). It generates the sort of resentment that could one day erupt in a class war, one which the billionaires could very easily lose but would definitely profit on in the process. AI robotic warriors have not been perfected yet, despite the self-satisfied bloviations of DARPA types, and could easily wind up shooting each other or their masters on the battlefield while human guerrillas fighting for the survival of the species torch Hamptons mansions and leave the precious wealthy heirs orphans, to be raised by those same guerrillas in the wilderness.

These publications revel in the kind of scare stories currently warning doom-scrolling readers that kids raised during the Covid-19 pandemic will grow up psychologically damaged and physically deformed, rather than stories explaining to terrified parents that there are ways to avoid such tragedies. 

The central narrative is that raising a family is just too complicated, scary, dangerous, and otherwise risky for the average working-class American, so it should be left to the wealthy. After all, who can afford the range of “playground health” specialists who’ve studied the latest cutting-edge methods of bandaging a skinned knee? Or the high-end multilingual nannies who’ve memorized a compendium of ancient lullabies to soothe even the fussiest babies to sleep, those who were Egyptian queens in a past life and require the appropriate musical accompaniment?

Ultra-wealthy people like Bill Gates and Michael Bloomberg himself aren’t remotely interested in adhering to the dictates they prescribe for the rest of humanity. Whenever one of their own gets married or has a child, the news is aflutter with photos of their decadent celebrations, with the subtext written in invisible type as tall as the buildings they own: you can’t afford this, so don’t embarrass yourself by trying. Publications that once might have cooed over some Martha Stewart-esque resourcefulness of a middle-class mom sewing bridesmaid dresses for her daughter’s closest friends now turn their noses up at such plebeian silliness – as if a mere human can measure up to the chillingly robotic precision billions of wasted dollars can buy.

Unfortunately, the “influencer” culture of social media means it only takes a few of these self-absorbed individuals to convince the entirety of bourgeois society to follow in their footsteps – or at least to lust after doing so. One can only imagine the glee with which 21st-century eugenicists read headlines like “On the Brink of Collapse: America’s Declining Population Growth,” which outlines how Americans are having fewer children every year, describing how half the states in the union have had more deaths than births, bucking ill-informed predictions that had suggested the Covid-19 lockdowns would lead to a baby boom as couples trapped inside would resort to ‘doing what comes naturally’ and spawn to their hearts’ content. Phenomena such as year after year of record-breaking opioid overdose deaths indicate nothing so much as a mass abandonment of hope by masses who know they will never be able to afford the reality they were sold growing up, and feel – thanks to ruling class mouthpieces like the western media establishment – they have no other choice.

After all, it’s difficult to spawn without concern for who’s going to feed the little ones, and thanks to Bloomberg and its ilk, there is no longer a social safety net just around the corner to feed the needy or bridge the gap from paycheck to paycheck (assuming there’s a “paycheck” to be had at all in the post-Covid dystopia). The self-fulfilling prophecy of neoliberalism has ensured that Americans truly have no choice but to become permanent renters, that young couples cannot help but shoulder fat debt burdens if they want to “go somewhere” in this world, and that hope is far too costly to fit into a working-class budget. The New Normal demands we do more with less – or die trying. And the ruling class, it seems, would prefer the latter.

The statements, views and opinions expressed in this column are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of RT.

