Twin Souls Meditation

Twin souls are soul family members of the same soul family that are actually one being that has split into opposite female/male polarities as it has entered the fourth/third dimension. Their connection reaches the seventh dimension (atmic consciousness) and is the cosmic origin of man/woman, husband/wife and hero/goddess archetype. 

Archons are absolutely allergic to deep Soul Love energy between a man and a woman, especially between soulmates and twin souls. This is the primary reason why the Archons try to prevent their reunion.

By engineering the incarnation process, they rarely allow two twin souls to incarnate at the same time. Even if they do, they rarely meet each other. Even if they meet, they are rarely allowed to be together, the Archons engineer situations to prevent the union. This is why twin soul unions on the surface of the planet now are extremely rare, and most people who think they are twin souls are actually primary soul mates (soul mates that channel energy of the twin soul to each other).

A deep Soul Love connection between soul mates on the surface of the planet happens a little more often, and if it does, Archons sometimes go to great extremes towards preventing that love, even resorting to killing one or both partners. 

In the previous conferences by Cobra, a meditation for creating a connection with twin soul was being shared.

The purpose of this meditation is to create a connection with your twin soul, who could be on the surface of the planet, or in Agartha, or on the astral plane, on a Light ship or anywhere else. This meditation will transcend time and space and create a telepathic connection with your twin soul.

It is recommended to do this meditation at least once a week to accelerate your Ascension process.

Here is the guided audio for this meditation in English: 

Guided audio for other languages will be made available when they are ready.


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. Visualize a pillar of Light, which emanates from the Sky, goes through you and then onwards towards the centre of the Earth. 

3. Visualize a spiral vortex of rainbow Light which emanates from your heart. Visualize this vortex expanding throughout the world and awakening and calling your twin soul. 

4. Visualize your twin soul sitting 2 meters in front of you. Visualize your twin soul as an ideal mate in as many details as possible, such as her physical body, clothing, presence and the energy field. Open yourself to the energetic presence of your twin soul. 

5. Connect your chakras with chakras of your twin soul with etheric cords of liquid Light. Visualize a flow of energy in violet color, connecting you and your twin soul at the crown chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

6. Visualize a flow of energy in purple color, connecting you and your twin soul at the brow chakra, flowing in both directions at once. 

7. Visualize a flow of energy in blue color, connecting you and your twin soul at the throat chakra , flowing in both directions at once. 

8. Visualize a flow of energy in green color, connecting you and your twin soul at the heart chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

9. Visualize a flow of energy in yellow color, connecting you and your twin soul at the solar plexus chakra, flowing in both directions at once.

10. Visualize a flow of energy in orange color, connecting you and your twin soul at the sexual chakra, flowing in both directions at once. 

11. Visualize a flow of energy in red color, connecting you and your twin soul at the base chakra, flowing in both directions at once. 

12. You and your twin soul are now connecting with flows of energy at each chakra. Maintain the breath and energy flow through all channels for a few minutes.

13. Now focus on breathing together with your twin soul at the heart chakra. Visualize a brilliant white Light sphere in the middle of you and your twin soul at the level of the soul star chakra. This brilliant white Light forms an equilateral triangle with the heart chakra of you and your twin soul.

14. Look into the eyes of your twin soul and feel the connection with her on all planes of Creation. Let her presence surround you completely. Visualize yourself embracing her and merging with her in a kiss. Breathe together with her, and as you breathe in, accept yearnings of your twin soul in your heart and when you breathe out surrender all of your yearnings towards your twin soul. Feel the happiness of this merger. This happiness is the only thing that will remain in the world of Oneness.

15.When you would like to conclude the meditation, internalize this merger and imagine that it is happening inside of you. When we also anchor this energy into our bodies we are creating a magnet which calls our twin soul into the external world.

Victory of the Light!

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We Love Mass Meditation organizes Mass Meditations aiming to help achieve planetary liberation as soon as possible and as smoothly as possible.
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