安靜的革命者,如喬恩·卡巴特-津恩(Jon Kabat-Zinn),幾十年來一直是這種方法的主要聲音,贏得了一個有點令人驚訝的勝利,因為正念正念正被越來越多的主流專業人士採用,並被置於歐洲和美國福祉項目和計劃的核心。關於它是否有效不再有太多爭論;研究資金越來越多地用於弄清楚它為什麼以及如何工作。
There has been a seismic shift in recent years within the industry of psychological health. Mindfulness meditation has been recognised as a powerful tool for helping people manage their minds and gain relief from distressing and distracting psychological symptoms. It is so ubiquitous now that it made the cover of Time magazine in 2014.
The quiet revolutionaries, such as Jon Kabat-Zinn, who has been a major voice for this approach for decades, have won a somewhat surprising victory, as mindfulness is being adopted by increasing numbers of more mainstream professionals and put at the heart of well-being projects and programmes in Europe and America. There is no longer much argument about whether it works; research funding is increasingly being devoted to figuring out why and how it works.
Mindfulness is, for many, an end in itself. It is posited that the fruits of greater awareness will naturally emerge from the increasing prevalence of practice. It is being brought into therapy programmes, education, industry and so on, packaged for the variations in audience. The reported effects are so positive that only good can conceivably come of it. It is real help and there seem to be no drawbacks.
This last chapter is not about its value, for that is undisputed and applauded, but about where we go from here. Mind Clearing offers a very real next step and the tools for mindfulness mastery.
Mindfulness is based on a model of the human being and fulfilment fundamentally at odds with the biomedical model and many forms of psychotherapy. So while it is useful as a stand-alone technique, there is something of an unanswered question as to how it can become more integrated into the fabric of health and well-being provision without losing something essential or changing its host. Both or either can, of
course, be considered to be positive outcomes depending on where one stands.
Becoming more mindful and aware, we discover we are not quite who or what we thought we were. Observing our inner landscape with equilibrium allows us to notice our minds operating. We not only discover that the mind and emotions are a shifting cloud-scape but, in order to engage in any kind of mindfulness, the inner observer of these clouds must be located. The observer consequently comes more to centre stage and the clouds are perceived as smaller than we might have thought.
The observer comes into focus as being closer to the source of fulfilment, more real and ultimately more familiar, than the patterns in the clouds. For those who have tasted the benefits of mindfulness, the model it rests on, which includes the basic premise that ‘you are not your mind’, is not just a theoretical possibility among others of equal validity. It is an experienced reality. But mindfulness meditation on its own will not deal with the mind unless you have a lifetime or more to spend. This is not what most of us want. It also takes support and is why meditation, in its original contexts, has often been taught in dedicated communities. There is a teacher who has been through the various stages of meditation themselves. There is support, guidance, a common understanding and goal, plus some degree of focused communication. Not only this, but the community will generally exist within a wider context that supports and celebrates the work of those who have taken up the practice as their life’s work.
In a modern, secular society, the practitioner may be part of a like-minded community, increasingly an online and geographically scattered one, but the wider, dominant social context is unlikely to be grounded in a supportive model of who we are.
Mindfulness as a path is also made more difficult because modern people are not often familiar with the performance of inner discipline; there are fewer and fewer arenas in which this is taught. What we in the modern world, East and West, tend to be more familiar and comfortable with are practices that have more to do with communication, engagement, goals and results, rather than rigours and austerities for their own sake and progress that ultimately relies on grace.
Through being more mindful, we do find better places within ourselves than the ones we started in; we can gain greater freedom in our responses to the world. But it usually only changes the surface of our minds. Basic mindfulness meditations were only ever meant to take us to the foothills of real change. And, indeed, the claims being made for it are realistic in this respect. It helps people in many ways but does not pretend to be a complete cure; it is a management technique with benefits.
Progress through mindfulness slows over time, and those who want to develop the observer in themselves will need help. As the surface stills, we discover more intransigent layers of conflict within ourselves and with others. These are areas of our subconscious where the light of awareness barely glimmers. The deeper patterns are more difficult to open up and transform. We need information and assistance to deal with them and continue to progress.
For those people who experience this change in perspective, the question may arise about what to do next. Business as usual that focuses largely on the shifting clouds of the mind will no longer be enough, as other possibilities have been tasted.
Plenty of psychotherapists know this and many are seeking ways to incorporate mindfulness into their work. But it is not straightforward to marry regular one-to-one help with mindfulness meditation in a truly integrated approach. Mindfulness is a solitary path, however packed the meditation hall or numerous the books may be.
We also know that talking to another person helps too and speaks to modern needs and views of self-realisation. But the talking so often finds the focus returning more to the clouds of the mind than the observer. So there is often a gap between meditation as a formal exercise for taming the mind and the business of helping people through communication interventions.
Mind Clearing and mindfulness
Berner’s insights lay in bringing together the principles and practice of what actually helps with a deep appreciation of the dimensions of who we are and why we suffer. Mind Clearing is practical and secular but
open and realistic about the different dimensions in which we operate. It takes up the baton where mindfulness techniques find the end of their reach. It takes the insight, long known in psychotherapy, that the relationship between client and Clearer or therapist is where deep progress takes place and marries this with the crisp reality of the now, which we discover when we embrace mindfulness.
It is certainly beneficial to learn equilibrium in the face of difficult memories and ideas, and this is what mindfulness teaches as a technique. It is mostly a time-bound negotiation between the past and present. But why stop there when we can take it to another level?
Mind Clearing is mindfulness mastery. It is revolutionary to bring those difficult memories and ideas right into the present and finish them. When this is done, the individual gains actual and permanent freedom from that piece of the past. Thus, they are more present as of fact, rather than wilful choice. It is about finding the doors to right here and right now in the ordinary, easily missed work of sitting with another person and being who you are with them.
The effects of Mind Clearing are therapeutic, but it is not therapy. It does not set out to organise the psyche but to obviate the individual’s need for the mind. Berner’s comprehensive models offer the mindfulness movement the possibility of completion according to its own rules. Not only does his model of the mind contribute to current thinking and explain why mindfulness is important for mental health, it also offers a logical, practically worked-out programme for taking it further. It does so in a way that maintains and validates the secular use of meditation for health. It can accommodate the biomedical model and hold its own.
The approach is essentially political because it is grounded in the dynamic of person-to-person relating. Its technology is understandable, testable and repeatable. It is the nuts and bolts of relationship.