的先決條件 為了成功地進行態度清理,一個人必須:
◉ 能夠參與並完成溝通週期
◉ 擺脫眼前的問題和干擾
◉ 能夠向內看並清晰公開地
溝通結果◉ 能夠產生有意識的思想。
個人必須 1) 能夠溝通;2)能夠思考自己的想法;3)必須(原文如此)擺脫他生活中的問題;4)拆解思想;5)把心存在的原始原因,消解到它不復存在的地步。
7 Clearer和客戶之間必須有一個良好的、信任的關係,才能使這一切發揮作用。大多數治療師和清除者都知道這一點,但他們可能不瞭解為什麼會這樣。原因是我們都在這裡與他人交往。然而,正是由於這個原因,我們讓自己處於無知和無能的狀態。在內心深處,這是因為我們不想傷害別人。如果我們從頭腦的錯誤解決方案中解脫出來,並作為能夠選擇思考和行動的個人來掌握我們的力量,我們害怕我們會傷害他人。出於這個原因,我們讓自己受到限制,渺小而愚蠢。<B129>
伯納清除態度的計劃有四個步驟或技巧,如下所列,並在以下各節中詳細介紹: 第一步:找到態度,然後找到與態度
相反的態度 第二步:思考對立
面 第 3 步:識別消息,或者媒介就是消息 第 4 步:
第 1 步:找到態度,然後找到態度的對立面 找到態度 所處理的態度可能是該人用作相關問題的錯誤解決方案的許多態度
會議,他決定嘗試一下,儘管這是一個非常陌生的領域。馬特帶著各種持續存在的問題來到這裡,我們逐漸擺脫了這些問題,並且根深蒂固地認為其他人不可信,並且還有我們認為的“去你媽的”態度,這給他帶來了無窮無盡的麻煩。他花了做很多工作才能通過這部分思想。我一度想知道他是否會成功,但馬特在課程中發現了巨大的價值,儘管他有時會休息 6 個月,或者一度休息一年,但他發現自己的生活逐漸顯著改善。當我們終於明白其核心資訊時,他“去你媽的”態度背後的悲傷和心痛是巨大的。這改變了他的生活來表達它。
思考對立面,9 一個人需要找到一個與他們想要工作的態度相反的工作。從人的角度來看,態度總是消極的。如果一個人陷入其中,即使是“生活是美好的”態度也是消極的。他們知道在某種程度上這不是真的,但正在使用「生活是美好的」作為對他人的神經質操縱。這是一種溝通其他東西的嘗試,它本身並不真實,因為它是關於生命的一個想法。而且,維護起來很累。因此,從那個人的角度來看,找到相反的東西總是找到積極的一面,即使從技術上講,
我總是需要在生活中娛樂人們,我知道這不是真的快樂。有時是這樣,但實際上很多時候這確實是一種壓力,但我必須這樣做。我必須成為這個“有趣”的人,否則人們會被我厭煩,因為真的我覺得我非常無聊。所以我決定以這種態度工作,“我必須快樂,否則別人不會愛我。我花了很長時間才想出一個相反的想法,因為我只是無法理解我真的更積極的想法。最後,我得到了一個相反的答案,“無論我做什麼,每個人都快樂而充分地愛我。 這有點囉嗦,但似乎奏效了,至少是第一次。很難想像相反的情況。
Pre-requisites for attitude clearing
In order to engage successfully with attitude clearing a person must:
◉ be able to engage in and complete communication cycles
◉ be free from immediate problems and distractions
◉ be able to look inside and communicate clearly and openly what comes up as a result
◉ be capable of originating a conscious thought.
This last point, being capable of originating a conscious thought, means the client must be able to have a thought by conscious choice. This is different from the automatic or story-based thinking and connections of the mind. For example, if a person is instructed to look at the pine tree outside the window and say, ‘The pine tree is pink,’ and they can do so, then they can originate a thought from themselves. If they do not comply with the instruction because they insist the pine tree is actually green, not pink, then they cannot get past the automaticity of their mind. The Clearer would usually already have a good idea of whether their client could do this from the work already done.
The mind automatically attaches meaning to what people are seeing and categorises it. If a client automatically attaches the meaning ‘green’ to the sight of the pine tree, then they may not be able to separate out the actual tree from the meaning ‘green’ in this instance. They must be able to choose to attach one meaning or another to something in life rather than automatically connect the thing with what they think it means. This is the capacity to appreciate the difference between the thing itself and the meaning we attach to things. The ability to choose to believe something, rather than be at the mercy of automatic ideas about the world, is what we are looking for in order to work with attitudes directly.
It might take some time for a person to be able and willing to do this. But it is important to be able to do so because this is the point where the individual is strong enough to deal with the mind. The more freedom the individual has, the more creativity and space there is. The more mind there is, the more fixed and repressed a person becomes.
For a Clearer, there is no point in dealing with the mind; that would be like trying to reason with a puppy.
The individual must 1) be able to communicate; 2) be able to think a thought of his own; 3) must (sic.) be free from problems in his life; 4) dismantle the mind; and 5) take the original reason for the mind’s existence and dissolve it to the point where it ceases to exist.7
There has to be a good, trusting relationship between Clearer and client for all of this to work. Most therapists and Clearers know this, but they may not appreciate the details of why this is. The reason is that we are all here to relate to others. For this very reason, however, we keep ourselves in a state of ignorance and inability. Deep down, this is because we do not want to hurt others. If we free ourselves from the false solutions of the mind, and come into our power as individuals able to choose what to think and do, we are afraid we will hurt others. For this reason, we keep ourselves constrained and small and stupid.
The remedy for this, as all religions teach, is to consciously take up a moral code8 to check our behaviour. This prevents us from doing serious harm to others while we are in the process of becoming ourselves and releasing ourselves from the constraints of the mind. (For more on this, see the discussion on guilt and karma in Chapter 8; also see Chapter 5 for a discussion on the moral imperative.)
There are four steps or techniques to Berner’s programme for clearing attitudes, as listed below and detailed in the sections that follow:
Step 1: finding the attitude and then finding an opposite to the attitude
Step 2: pondering the opposites
Step 3: identifying the message, or the medium is the message Step 4: delivering the message
Step 1: finding the attitude and then finding an opposite to the attitude FINDING THE ATTITUDE
The attitude worked on could be any of a number of attitudes the person is using as a false solution to a problem in relating. It must be an area the person is interested in, or they will judge that they are not making progress. What the Clearer is interested in working on is not the point, though they can be a useful guide on what areas might be fruitful.
The Clearer may need to explain and encourage the person to explore what sort of ideas and behaviours they are attached to, and need to act on in their daily life, that are holding them up. This might be something like, ‘I’m not good enough,’ ‘Others can’t be trusted,’ ‘I’m better than others,’ ‘Life is bad’ and so forth.
The attitudes people identify are often more complex at the beginning, as the person starts out less clear. They might come up with something like ‘Other people can never be trusted,’ ‘I’m only trying to help’ or ‘I do my best but it’s not good enough.’ It will work anyway and, as the person gets more clarity and knows what to look for, they tend to get more succinct. They may work through, for example, ‘Life is bad’ or ‘Nothing works out for me’ to the simplicity of an attitude such as ‘bad’.
Another way of helping the client identify attitudes is to ask the person what they are dramatising in life. For example, a person might be dramatising that they cannot cope, or that life is hard, or that others are stupid or that they are always exhausted. They believe these statements to be true; after all, they have accumulated a lot of evidence to back them up. They might say, ‘That’s not an attitude, that’s how it really is.’
This is not to deny that bad (or good) things happen to people. It is to say that, even though some bad things may have happened to John, for instance, it is only when he gets stuck in the attitude ‘bad things always happen to me’, or ‘everything’s bad’ or ‘no one loves me’ that this becomes an ongoing problem for him and an area of stuckness. He will start acting this out and finding supporting evidence rather
than just have occasional bad experiences. He will not define himself by these events.
I’ve had people for sessions who seem very able in many ways and I’ve wondered whether to do attitude work with them. But I’ve learned it’s often too early. A typical example of this was a woman who had a lot of understanding about her case and was very willing and fairly able in communicating. We did a few sessions and it became apparent to both of us that she had a very obvious attitude going of being better than others. We did a bit of work in looking at how it worked in her life and how it was running her but it quickly became clear that, although she had some appreciation that it was an attitude, this was really a theoretical understanding. She was actually too identified with it at the level of body and behaviour to work on it at that point. She was quite clear in herself that it was actually true: ‘Well I am better than others,’ she told me, ‘Not absolutely everyone, but nearly everyone.’
We did some more work around this and she communicated a lot of material to her parents. The attitude began to loosen up a bit as she saw around it and experienced greater appreciation of others.
A clue to something being an attitude is a person saying that something is always like this, for example, ‘I’m always unlucky,’ ‘People are always on my back,’ ‘I always mess it up,’ ‘She never listens to me.’ The fact is that sometimes one is unlucky, or people give us a hard time or we do something daft, but not always. ‘Always’ is a clue to what the person is dramatising in life. From there they can be helped to see what attitude they are tending to get stuck in. They might not be in that attitude all the time, but it comes up and gets in the way of their getting on with their lives. The attitudes they are in all the time will be more difficult to identify; they are as invisible to us initially as the air we breathe.
‘It’s always the same,’ he said, ‘I can never stay in a job long. They always get fed up of me and give me a hard time. I don’t get it, me, but I’ve given up now. I do my own thing.’ This was at the start of sessions with Matt. He wasn’t my usual sort of client, but a good friend had
recommended sessions and he decided to try it, even though it was very unfamiliar territory. Matt arrived with all sorts of ongoing problems that we gradually unpicked and was deeply entrenched in a belief that others couldn’t be trusted and also had what we identified as a ‘fuck you’ attitude that gave him no end of trouble. It took a lot of work to get through this part of his mind. I had wondered at one point about whether he’d make it, but Matt found huge value in the sessions and, although he’d sometimes have a 6-month break, or a year at one point, he found his life gradually and significantly improving. The sadness and heartache behind his ‘fuck you’ attitude was huge when we finally got to the message at its core. It changed his life to express it.
Attitudes are ways of being in life; they are what we think of as our personality traits. Sometimes people say them right out: ‘I’m the kind of person who tells it like it is’ or ‘I’m a good guy.’ There might be truth in these statements, but they are attitudes they are dramatising in life and about life. If they can get out of such an attitude easily enough, then it is not a fixed attitude, or not a deep one, but if they say, ‘Well it’s not an attitude, it’s the truth, I am a good guy,’ then we can be sure it is a fixed attitude.
Having an attitude is not a problem in itself. We can take on a point of view at will and it can be useful. We need a point of view sometimes to get things done: to complete a puzzle, to get across Paris with a large piece of luggage. The problem comes when they get stuck. When a fixed attitude that the person has an interest in working on is identified, then the next step in the programme can be taken.
In order to ponder the opposites,9 a person needs to find a working opposite to the attitude on which they want to work. Attitudes are always negative from the person’s point of view. Even a ‘life is wonderful’ attitude is negative if a person is stuck in it. They know at some level it is not true but are using ‘life is wonderful’ as a neurotic manipulation of others. It is an attempt to communicate something else and it is not true in itself because it is an idea about life. Moreover, it is exhausting to maintain. So finding the opposite is always finding the positive, from
that person’s point of view, even if it looks technically like a negative view on life.
I always need to entertain people in life and I know it’s not really jolly. It is sometimes, but actually it’s a real strain much of the time, but I’ve got to do it. I’ve got to be this ‘fun’ person because otherwise people will be bored by me, because really I think I’m terribly boring. So I decided to work on this attitude of, ‘I’ve got to be happy or others won’t love me.’ It took me ages to come up with an opposite because I just couldn’t get the idea of me really being anything more positive. Finally I got an opposite of, ‘Everyone loves me happily and fully, whatever I do.’ It was a bit long-winded but seemed to do the trick, at least the first time round. It was very difficult to imagine that opposite.
Finding an opposite is not done in order that a few affirmations can be performed to get the client out of a negative state and into a positive one. That is not what is going on here. There are a few reasons for finding an opposite to work on alongside the actual attitude. It is partly to help them practise getting into and out of an attitude by their conscious volition. Also, it is a good idea to work on the opposite of an attitude at the same time as the side in which they are fixed. That way, the whole of the attitude is being dealt with, like the whole of an iceberg, the bit we can see and the bit we cannot see.
Finally, using the opposite prevents the person from fixating on one attitude by deliberately focusing on it over and over. This could result in overload. It is better to have more freedom and movement in the technique so that the person does not get bogged down with all the associations or memories stacked up around one attitude. Berner summarises step 2 as, ‘having him purposefully and knowingly get the idea of himself in the undesirable state, and in its opposite’.10
The opposite needs to be an opposite that resonates with the attitude. It has to feel like an opposite. This is the difference between the conceptual opposite and the attitudinal opposite. The opposite of ‘others are bad’ might technically be ‘others are good’ or ‘others are not bad’. That might work, but if the person easily gets into that and does not really find it a challenge, it could work better to find a more extreme
opposite, one that the person feels stretched in getting into; it might be something like, ‘others are wonderful, beautiful and trustworthy and I love them all’. They must be exercising their ability to get into and out of attitudes and not for it to be too easy. The opposite must have the sense of being an opposite life attitude. For instance, finding the opposite to a ‘poor me’ attitude might come up with things such as ‘lucky me’ or ‘I’m the luckiest person in the world’. That could work. But ‘poor me’ is a victim state, so a powerful opposite to it could also be something like ‘I’m a victimiser’ or ‘I’m a bully’. If the person is stuck in seeing themselves as the oppressed, then they will certainly be manipulating others with this attitude but probably unaware of doing so. To see themselves as the active oppressor of others could be a powerful opposite, stretching their capacity to conceive of themselves in that attitude and strengthening the ability to choose to adopt one attitude and then another.
The attitude itself that you choose to work on is not neutral, it is the meaning part of a whole energetic distortion in which the person is. It is best to find an opposite that resonates with the distortion, and the process will be more powerful.